Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today is Thursday. The kids are asleep and will be for maybe another couple of hours (they just went down). Tomorrow MJ is going to his aunt and uncle's house and Saturday and Sunday going to his grandparents. I'll miss him being gone for that long but they are really, really wanting him to come visit. I have to admit it is nice to have those breaks sometimes. But gosh I miss that little dude when he's not here. I keep running around with a Kleenex looking for someone whose nose I can wipe.

Oh. That's not funny unless you know that Micah's allergies are acting up from the weather changes. Well they are. Insanely. So you can laugh at my funny joke now!

I'm trying to plan my childless Saturday. I'm hoping it will mean a haircut for me. I need one desperately. Does anyone remember The Layering of November? Well... I haven't had a haircut since then! My split ends are driving me nutso. NUTSO. Plus, my hair is plainly just longer than I like it. I mean, I like long-ish hair but I don't like dealing with it. It's about four inches longer than I like it to be. I'm about to take a knife to it. Imagine the results of that!

Yesterday Jesse was off work and Lexi and MJ had a blast with him. Lexi loves "Uncle Jesse."

The kids are doing well together. They've been a little bit cranky toward each other today and it's been a little funny... they aren't trying to kill each other by any means but hearing a couple of two year olds holler at each other over a toy is pretty stinkin' funny.

Here they are fighting over sharing Micah's little Huffy bike.

Oh, and for those of you who like creative, easy little ideas for kids' lunches, I made these today:

Take two small unbaked biscuits, flatten them, put about a quarter of a teaspoon of pizza sauce or something similar on one of them, add about a tablespoon and a half of your favorite cheeses, and one shredded pepperoni. Place second flattened biscuit over the top of the first, and squish the edges together. I placed a pepperoni on top to give the kids an idea of what is inside. Cook according to biscuit-making directions! They are basically homemade pizza rolls. They're quite yummy!

Well, if I'm going to accomplish anything else before nap time is over I should dash.

How is your Thursday going?


Liz said...

I love your pizza roll idea! I'll have to remember that for when my little one is old enough to eat real food.... :)

Glad you're blogging again!

Unknown said...

Adorable pictures! I love the black and white shots.

Pink Slippers said...

Hope you enjoyed your weekend. I have such a hard time when my little ones are visiting grandparents too. It's strange not having someone to care for.